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Resource Spotlight: End of the Week Check-In

by | Jan 22, 2020 | Teacher Blog | 0 comments

end of the week checkin

Resource Spotlight: End of the Week Check-In

by | Jan 22, 2020 | Teacher Blog | 0 comments

It’s so important at the end of each week to really check in with yourself about how the week went. When you consider the successes and failures you had, things you need to do differently in the future and revisit the goals you have for yourself, you set yourself up for success in the long-term.

The End of the Week Check-In Worksheet allows you to stop and think about how the week really went. It takes about five minutes to complete, so there’s really no excuse for avoiding the process!

Tips for Using the End of the Week Check-In Resource

The first entry on the document allows you to think and put into words how you are currently feeling. Don’t hold back. If it was a rough week, say so. Feeling encouraged, defeated or exhausted? Write it down. You are the only person who has to see this so give yourself permission to be honest.

Once you know how you feel, you can move on to discuss what you will do next week. This might be a good time to look back on those goals and consider what steps you need to take to achieve them. Or, you may have some specific tasks on your to-do list that are high priority. When you get it out of your mind and onto paper, you’ll be able to make better preparations to get it done.

If you need something to help you achieve success next week, then it’s time to note that in the “I need” column.

One of the most important parts of a weekly recap is to celebrate the wins. Take the time to really think about the successes of the past week, no matter how small. It’s amazing how finding one thing to celebrate can help you rethink the entire scope of your week.

Finally, consider what you wish would have gone better over the course of the week. Perhaps you said something you regret or didn’t complete a project that was high on your priority list. Whatever it was, write it down and think about how you will do things differently next week.

The beauty of this worksheet is that you can put it aside and never look at it again or keep it for reference for the following week. Ultimately, the goal is to wrap up the week by getting your thoughts and feelings out on paper so that you don’t carry it into the weekend.

Additional Resources for Success

Whether you are a new or seasoned teacher, there’s a lot to process when it comes to ongoing classroom management. That’s why I’ve put together a Classroom Management Toolkit and it’s FREE for your use. Grab yours HERE.

Also – have you considered joining our Facebook group? Each week I provide actionable strategies and resources to help you become the superhero teacher you are meant to be!

Written by Brandie Rosen

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