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Teach This ONE Behavior Skill

by | Jul 5, 2022 | Behavior | 0 comments

Teach This ONE Behavior Skill

by | Jul 5, 2022 | Behavior | 0 comments

These last few years have been more than a challenge and student behavior has moved to a whole new level. I’m letting you in on the ONE behavior skill that is more important than ever.

Teachers are struggling to “get things back to the way they were,” but the truth is, we are a long way from getting there. (And honestly, we may never get back).

Identifying which behavior skills to work on can be overwhelming when there are so many coming at you at once, but there is one skill, that if taught and practiced (a lot) from day one, will free up your time to teach and do the things you want to in your classroom.

What’s the one skill you ask? Independence! 

I know that sounds simple (and maybe too simple), but I promise you, it’s not. It’s a tough skill to teach and even tougher for students to master, but it is worth every minute. 

Independence will look different depending on the grade level you teach, but it will include 4 basic skills;

  1. Listening to instructions
  2. Following instructions
  3. Problem-solving 
  4. Working quietly

Each of these skills can and should be taught, practiced, and reinforced separately, before expecting them to come together and be consistent. 

Here are a few examples of ways/activities to teach each of these skills

  1. Listening to instructions
    1. Play Simon Says
    2. Listening to an audiobook and answering questions
    3. Red light/green light
    4. Directed draw
  2. Following instructions
    1. Follow a cooking recipe
    2. Youtube video that teaches a new skill
    3. Teach a new board game
  3. Problem-solving
    1. Headbandz
    2. Fingertip hula
    3. Escaping lava alligators
  4. Working Quietly

This just takes practice. Start with an easy preferred activity, explain exactly what you want to see,  set a timer, and enjoy the quiet!

Now I know that increasing independence won’t solve every struggle you have in your classroom but remember, anything that helps… helps! If you are spending 20-30% of your day dealing with issues that students could handle themselves if they had the skills, think of all that time back to do the things that you really want to. 

Remember~You can love teaching and still have a life. At Teaching Untangled we provide courses & connections for overwhelmed teachers to help you reignite your passion for teaching. 

Written by Brandie Rosen

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