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How to Continue On with Virtual Teaching – Free Training

by | Jan 12, 2021 | Teacher Blog | 0 comments

virtual teaching

How to Continue On with Virtual Teaching – Free Training

by | Jan 12, 2021 | Teacher Blog | 0 comments

As so many teachers and students continue on with virtual teaching and learning, I thought it would be a good idea to revisit some effective ways you (and your students) can be successful throughout this difficult and unusual time.

My FREE training highlights the following:

Focus #1: Building Community

When you have students that are both in-person and virtual, or an entirely virtual class, it can be challenging to build a community. Check out the training for some of my favorite ways to build an online classroom community.

Focus #2: Communicating with Parents

You may already have a set communication plan in place with parents, but it’s probably a good time to touch base with them again and evaluate whether the system is working. Many of the plans we put in place initially were meant to be short-term solutions and as time has gone on, needs may have changed. Remember: staying in contact with parents can alert you to both the successes and struggles of your students.

Focus #3: Teaching from a Personal Standpoint

It’s time to take a look at all of the things that may affect your teaching from a personal level. This is more and more critical as time goes on. We are all going through this time on both a professional AND personal level and it’s critical that we give enough attention to our personal needs. My best piece of practical advice: list out all of the things you are struggling with or trying to deal with and put them in order from most urgent to least urgent. Then, circle the top two and ONLY focus on those!

Focus #4: Thinking Outside the Box

As teachers, we regularly show that we are masters at this! As virtual learning goes on and on, however, many teachers are struggling to come up with fresh “out-of-the-box” ideas. One of the best pieces of advice for this involves reaching out to colleagues. There are so many of us in similar positions right now, and someone else may have the perfect solution for your situation.

Focus #5: Student Behavioral Needs

Even though students have been learning virtually for many months now, new behaviors can (and will!) pop up over time. The more ready you are, the better. Some of the common behaviors you may see during virtual learning might include: not logging on, not turning the camera on, struggles/resistance with turning in work, etc. Each of these behaviors can be addressed, even if you aren’t teaching in person. Targeting each behavior separately and setting up a simple system will go a long way to helping you (and your students) achieve success in this area.

Note: Need additional help navigating behaviors? Download my FREE Behavior Buster Toolkit today!

How to Continue On with Virtual Teaching (FREE Training)

Need Additional Help?

Don’t hesitate to reach out in the comments below. You aren’t alone in your efforts to teach virtually, so know that if you have questions, it’s likely someone else does as well!

Written by Brandie Rosen

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