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Four-Step Plan To Navigate Teacher Overwhelm

by | Jan 3, 2022 | Teacher Blog

Four-Step Plan To Navigate Teacher Overwhelm

Four-Step Plan To Navigate Teacher Overwhelm

by | Jan 3, 2022 | Teacher Blog

Four-Step Plan to head into each and every Monday, calm and ready to be the superhero you are! 

Now that we enjoyed our winter breaks, recharged, and just did things that help us feel more relaxed, the big question is…. How do we keep some of that good feeling going and avoid teacher overwhelm? 

The first thing we can do is set up a system to manage the overwhelm that naturally comes with being a teacher. I know that sometimes the recommendations on managing overwhelm can actually be more time-consuming than the tasks we have to do. 

That is not helpful! 🙂

That’s why I’m sharing an easy 4-step system that will actually make your week easier and give you back time to do what you love, teach!

Step One:

Make a list of EVERYTHING that you have to do… that’s everything that is floating around in your head. Include both work and personal “to-dos.” 

Step Two:

Now take a look at the list and start breaking things up into must-dos, should dos, and would like to-dos. Take your time and be honest. Some questions to ask yourself are; 

  • What is the worst thing that happens if I don’t do this? 
  • Do I want to do this? 
  • Does this impact my job or my personal life in a negative way if I don’t do this? 
  • Is it critical that I get done this week? 

Step Three:

Take the must-dos and prioritize them in the importance of completion. If you have more than 5-10 must-dos for the week, you need to take some off. I know this sounds impossible, but you can do it. So many of our must-dos are really should-dos or would like to do’s. Move things around on your lists and make it work! 

Step Four:

Because we all love to be reinforced, take 5 things off of your “would like to-do list” and add them to your must-dos list. Now you get to do things you want to do too! ☺

You always need to leave room for those on your lists! 

That’s it! Four simple steps that I promise will make your life easier. It won’t take away ALL of the overwhelm (I’m not a magician) but if it cuts your overwhelm in half, that would be pretty great too!

Written by Brandie Rosen

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